Friday, April 17, 2009

My Pets

I have lotsa pets…all aquatic ones. ^^ I have guppies, swordtails, shrimps and terrapins. Interesting rite. You would be asking why I keep aquatic animals. Reason is that I find them quite easy to rear. There’s no need for clearing their shit and pee daily >.< just change water once in two weeks to keep the fish tank in tip-top condition, occasionally adding in anti-chlorine, anti-bacteria, small amounts of sea salt (fishes like slightly salty water) and feeding them thrice daily. Keeping pets is a good way for me to alleviate stress especially when im feeling emo. I will just go to the tank, sit and watch the many lives swimming freely. Sometimes I may even sit there for hours. It’s really addictive and fun. In fact, I like cats. ^^ but my parents find cats troublesome to rear as they shit and pee as and when they like. What a pity. My father once had a cat that knew how to shit and pee in the toilet bowl. Sadly, it died of a car accident before I could see it… The best way to relieve stress-rear pets.

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