Friday, April 17, 2009

Sci test Reflections

I studied so hard for my sci test but eventually screwed it, I think. Its crap…I revised measurements but missed density. That’s the area I screwed. And the SMB is so laggy that I couldn’t open the messages. Haiz…couldn’t see Mr Tan’s message, otherwise I would have studied on density. Pity the SMB lags. Mayb it was bcoz of my carelessness? It’s always like this in tests, I always carelessly fill up the blanks with answers that come to my head…end up wrong answer, soon after I realize my mistake and find it so silly. After comparing answers with the pros, I found out that I had so many mistakes sia… Then I felt so emo ^.^ Last term I got A1, this term I guess I may fail. How sad. Hopefully there’s a retest or I can travel through time and redo the paper. ^^

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