Friday, February 5, 2010

Animal Abuse

I recently witnessed an incident whereby two young kids were treating their pet dog (it was leashed) in an abusive manner. They were tugging at the leash of their dog really hard and pulling it wherever they want, sometimes even in circles. One of them even attempted to sit on the dog. I could see that the dog was struggling profusely as a sign of disliking such treatment. Their mother appeared to be advising them to stop but her words fell on deaf ears, no action was taken. The dog was being tormented by its owners and looked really pitiful. Although they are young or probably ignorant of how the dog actually feels, why are they “allowed” to ill-treat their pet this way? Do they even have the rights to torture it? How would they feel if they were being treated as such?

It was also only recently that I heard from a friend that he had watched a video of a woman abusing her cat eventually killing it. The cat was supposedly being stepped by her (she was wearing high heels) repeatedly over the body whereby the cat was eventually killed with a blow in the head. The scene was full of blood with internal organs of the cat lying around. It was plain cruelty. Did the killer have no sense of guilt at all, how could she kill the cat in such a terrifying manner and even upload it on the net for all to see? From my perspective she finds amusement in torturing animals. She probably treats them as lower beings and that she can take their lives at any time.

Sometimes I don’t understand why people can have the conscience to do such a thing and worse still to capture the scene for everyone to see on a website. The cruelty and stone-cold conscience that some people have developed is horrifying. Are more and more people actually doing such things or is it just the minority few? Animal have lives too, they are just like us, they too can feel pain and we never treat them in such a manner. They are there to accompany us; the world belongs to not just us but every other living thing on it, such actions should never be condoned.

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