Saturday, February 27, 2010

Home Learning

Pros (general)

Even if teachers are away they can still assign homework and put up lessons online for us to study despite their absence, hence, lesson periods will not be wasted. It is an innovative method of learning whereby lesson structures are fixed and instructions are to the point. There is a higher level of interaction which arouses interest of students to keep them focused on the tasks at hand. Comments can be posted and we can learn from them. Also we are able to refer to everybody's answers and be inspired by their good points. With home learning, students can wake up later than usual as there is no need to travel to school; lessons are just several clicks away.

Cons (from my perspective)

It would have been holidays if I were in primary school. However, teachers can now “teach” us and “give” homework online in HCI. If teachers gave homework that can actually be completed within the lesson span of 1hr I would not bear such a grudge towards home learning. However, in my opinion, some teachers take advantage of home learning to give us ALOT MORE homework and expect us to finish them or have them as homework. It really angers me that there home-learning is actually meant for us to do more work…true enough we do not need to wake up early but the amount of work given forces us to “stay back” to finish them even with the breaks in between. I have tabulated 13 assignments, 2 essays, 2 discussions and 1 proposal (excluding minor assignments) for 1st and 2nd march home learning. These sums up to almost 20 tasks over the span of 4 hrs lesson for 2 days each, that’s like 4 times the normal workload we would receive on normal school days. Besides these, distractions are generally common as there is no one to watch over us and we may lose concentration or even forget to complete the work assigned.

Once again, this is just my opinions of home learning. Everyone has different perspectives, thus, I would like to know how everyone else feels about this issue.

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