Monday, June 29, 2009

1)I respect him for his undying personality, his parents died early so did two of his children, despite that he persevered to compose poems. His great experience enabled him to compose pems that bring out a stong sense of personality and symbolism. Next, he worked on 'Prelude' throughout his life, however he was devastated by the death of a daughter and lost his will to ocmpose poems.The loss of too many kins had a great impact on him. Soon after, he died. 'Prelude' was eventually published by his wife.
William Wordsworth was born on April 7, 1770, in Cockermouth, Cumbria, England. Wordsworth's mother died when he was eight--this experience shapes much of his later work. Wordsworth attended Hawkshead Grammar School, where his love of poetry was firmly established and, it is believed, he made his first attempts at verse. While he was at Hawkshead, Wordsworth's father died leaving him and his four siblings orphans. After Hawkshead, Wordsworth studied at St. John's College in Cambridge and before his final semester, he set out on a walking tour of Europe, an experience that influenced both his poetry and his political sensibilities. While touring Europe, Wordsworth came into contact with the French Revolution. This experience as well as a subsequent period living in France, brought about Wordsworth's interest and sympathy for the life, troubles and speech of the "common man". These issues proved to be of the utmost importance to Wordsworth's work. Wordsworth's earliest poetry was published in 1793 in the collections An Evening Walk and Descriptive Sketches. While living in France, Wordsworth conceived a daughter, Caroline, out of wedlock; he left France, however, before she was born. In 1802, he returned to France with his sister on a four-week visit to meet Caroline. Later that year, he married Mary Hutchinson, a childhood friend, and they had five children together. In 1812, while living in Grasmere, they grieved the loss of two of their children, Catherine and John, who both died that year.

Equally important in the poetic life of Wordsworth was his 1795 meeting with the poet, Samuel Taylor Coleridge. It was with Coleridge that Wordsworth published the famous Lyrical Ballads in 1798. While the poems themselves are some of the most influential in Western literature, it is the preface to the second edition that remains one of the most important testaments to a poet's views on both his craft and his place in the world. In the preface Wordsworth writes on the need for "common speech" within poems and argues against the hierarchy of the period which valued epic poetry above the lyric.

Wordsworth's most famous work, The Prelude (1850), is considered by many to be the crowning achievement of English romanticism. The poem, revised numerous times, chronicles the spiritual life of the poet and marks the birth of a new genre of poetry. Although Wordsworth worked on The Prelude throughout his life, the poem was published posthumously. Wordsworth spent his final years settled at Rydal Mount in England, travelling and continuing his outdoor excursions. Devastated by the death of his daughter Dora in 1847, Wordsworth seemingly lost his will to compose poems. William Wordsworth died at Rydal Mount on April 23, 1850, leaving his wife Mary to publish The Prelude three months later.
a)I wandered lonely as a cloud-
I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced, but they
Out-did the sparkling leaves in glee;
A poet could not be but gay,
In such a jocund company!
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.
b)My heart leaps up-
My heart leaps up when I behold
A rainbow in the sky:
So was it when my life began;
So is it now I am a man;
So be it when I shall grow old,
Or let me die!
The Child is father of the Man;
And I could wish my days to be
Bound each to each by natural piety.

c)A slumber did my spirit seal-
A slumber did my spirit seal;
I had no human fears:
She seemed a thing that could not feel
The touch of earthly years.

No motion has she now, no force;
She neither hears nor sees;
Rolled round in earth's diurnal course,
With rocks, and stones, and trees.


Sunday, June 28, 2009

E-learning. Mon-Poem

The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

1) He uses the roads to symbolize choices {two roads diverged in a yellow wood}. He can only take one path (And sorry I could not travel both) and scrutinized them to make the right choice (And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair,) he knows how one choice leads to the another (Yet knowing how way leads on to way) and the consequences of making the wrong choice (doubted if I should ever come back) he decides to take the path which few have taken (I took the one less traveled by), in other words a harder choice. And that has made all the difference.
2) Reasons why I like this poem: Its has a strong symbolism and makes the reader think has this ever occurred to him. Definitely it must have. It is made realistic by feelings and thoughts of man. Although the roads are used symbolize choices, the poem still brings out the meaning. It shows exactly how one would feel when making a decision; one wrong step would lead to his downfall. Sometimes, it is the harder path that leads to success, and the poems states exactly so. Although simile, metaphors, personification and hyperboles are used in a small amount or not used at all, the symbolism of choices makes the poem stand out. This shows the importance and impact symbolism can make. Every choice makes a difference. That’s a moral to learn.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Thoughts on Mas Selamat, why capture not made to public immediately?

Mas Selamat the Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) leader escaped from prison through a window in the toilet. He successfully escaped to Malaysia but was arrested on 1st April. But why did the government only divulge that he was arrested a month later? The Prime Minister said information about the capture of Mas Selamat on 1 April was not made public earlier, because of a prior agreement with the Malaysian authorities. But I don’t know what reasons did the Malaysians had for not revealing the news immediately. Although he is captured, his members may come seeking for revenge so we are not very safe. Must stay vigilant lorhs, that’s what the government said. Anyone knows why they did not reveal the news immediately?

My Thoughts on Swine Flu

I think everyone knows bout the Swine Flu that originated from Mexico killing around 600 people there. It has spread to many countries such as Australia, Austria, US and Japan. There are many suspected cases in nearby countries like Malaysia and Indonesia. Its spread is rapid and almost similar to SARS. In just a few months it has spread almost worldwide. Singapore doesn’t have any cases yet. I think most of you would want one rite. Suspension of schools YEAH! But Hwa Chong has the IVLE, homework can all be posted there for downloading. So suspension of school would be meaningless. I should be going to China in June but bcoz of the widespread of Swine Flu, I may not be going. How sad la. Hopefully, scientists can create a vaccine to stop the spread then I can go China lerh.

Recommending a comp game

The game I would like to recommend is Wolfteam. You can download it through This is a short description of the game. The game is similar to CS (counter strike) but you can transform into wolves and there’s a wide variety of guns like flame thrower, RPG, MG and many more. Try it to see more guns. Its multiplayer so you can play with lotsa people around the world. Its more fun this way, but I suggest you play in the Singapore/Malaysia server coz you may lag in other servers. The aim of the game is either to annihilate the opponents within a time limit (death match, ice hold), plant bombs/defuse bombs (destruction, bomb plant) or capture the bases (wolf conquest, ex conquest, conquest). Don’t worry there’s respawn. You got to be good in guns otherwise u gonna get pwned. Sadly I can’t play coz my comp lags. If your comp is fast, try it.

Animal Farm

I have read this book three times, coz of annotation, reading guide and summaries. The first time I read it, I found it interesting but after reading it several times, it became boring. Its just about a farm of animals who got inspired to rebel against humans by a prized boar-Old Major. They achieved the rebellion but the first sign of greed in the pigs was shown when Napoleon-Berkshire boar took away the cow milk and declaring that all milk and apples was to be reserved for them. Plus, they didn’t work, the other animals did. The pigs just supervised la. Then Squealer came up with explanations (merely abusing his speech capability). Some animals were troublemakers e.g. Mollie (white mare), Moses (tame raven) and the cat. Worse still, they do nothing, just eat and sleep. Many events followed. The humans returned to regain control over the farm, the Battle of the Cowshed was fought. Then Snowball came up with ideas for the windmill and Napoleon opposed. Realizing that he could not gain support from the animals he unleashed his dogs. His long termed planning helped him. Snowball was expelled from the farm, Napoleon gained total control. His dogs and sheep ended all protests. New rules such as abolishing of debates and meetings were set as Napoleon didn’t want opposition. Napoleon engaged in trades with humans through Whymper (human). The humans returned again with larger manpower and guns. The windmill was destroyed, many animals were killed and all were wounded. The humans lost but the animals had lost their kind too. Boxer the most hardworking horse was injured and the pigs sent him to the Knackers for money to buy a case of whisky. They had a meeting with man, played cards and indulged in beer. An argument broke out. Now pigs and man could not be differentiated. Thats a short summary of it. I find it more interesting fo it to be short.

Wierd Maths Question

This question appeared in our 2nd term test: In the number sequence 1,1,1,1,101 find the formula for the nth term and find the 6th term. I spent 10mins on this question!! Eventually, I still didn’t get the answer. How stupid, should have checked other questions when I had the time. If I had not wasted my time on that question could have got more than 34 for the test. Arghh…wasted. Soon after, Mr. Tan told us the formula: [100(n-1) (n-2) (n-3) (n-4)] 24+1. It was so complicating. At least I understood. In fact no one got the answer. Jia Hao’s answer was correct but he didn’t have the formula, 0 marks awarded... should have given at least 1 mark for getting the answer lehs.

Friday, April 17, 2009

My Pets

I have lotsa pets…all aquatic ones. ^^ I have guppies, swordtails, shrimps and terrapins. Interesting rite. You would be asking why I keep aquatic animals. Reason is that I find them quite easy to rear. There’s no need for clearing their shit and pee daily >.< just change water once in two weeks to keep the fish tank in tip-top condition, occasionally adding in anti-chlorine, anti-bacteria, small amounts of sea salt (fishes like slightly salty water) and feeding them thrice daily. Keeping pets is a good way for me to alleviate stress especially when im feeling emo. I will just go to the tank, sit and watch the many lives swimming freely. Sometimes I may even sit there for hours. It’s really addictive and fun. In fact, I like cats. ^^ but my parents find cats troublesome to rear as they shit and pee as and when they like. What a pity. My father once had a cat that knew how to shit and pee in the toilet bowl. Sadly, it died of a car accident before I could see it… The best way to relieve stress-rear pets.

Thoughts on HCI SMB

Obviously, the good points first. The SMB is good in the way that students only need to access the portal for new info and updates. It’s a really easy way for students to know what events are round the corner and what teachers need them to do. Students can even post lost items on the lost board. This lost board will ease the hassle of students who found items and have difficulty tracing the owner. Definitely, you have to try ur best to find ur lost items b4 posting on the board. There’s also I safety board where students can post about precarious or poor conditions of facilities around them. Those in charge will just need to access the SMB and read the message and they can instantly fix the problem.
Now for the flaws. Actually, there’s only one main problem with the SMB. It is that the SMB is very lag. Many students have difficulty accessing it at home and that results in many serious problems. I am the perfect example. This Tuesday, Mr Tan, our Sci teacher posted an SMB on the topics that we would have to study for the upcoming test (which is already over). As usual I would open the SMB portal to view messages. Usually it would lag a lot but that fateful day was worse. It took me half an hour to log on successfully but the messages just couldn’t load. Thus I couldn’t open Mr Tan’s SMB message and couldn’t read it!! If the SMB had not been laggy, I would have already read his message and studied on density. Now I screwed my science test, sad…

Sci test Reflections

I studied so hard for my sci test but eventually screwed it, I think. Its crap…I revised measurements but missed density. That’s the area I screwed. And the SMB is so laggy that I couldn’t open the messages. Haiz…couldn’t see Mr Tan’s message, otherwise I would have studied on density. Pity the SMB lags. Mayb it was bcoz of my carelessness? It’s always like this in tests, I always carelessly fill up the blanks with answers that come to my head…end up wrong answer, soon after I realize my mistake and find it so silly. After comparing answers with the pros, I found out that I had so many mistakes sia… Then I felt so emo ^.^ Last term I got A1, this term I guess I may fail. How sad. Hopefully there’s a retest or I can travel through time and redo the paper. ^^

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Proj Day Prelims

My group’s presentation was quite satisfactory but we had a problem when it came to the Q&A session. One problem was that one of the judges mentioned that there was probably a similar model on the market. We did not research much into current products, thus we had a problem with answering that question. As of that, the judge seemed to be unhappy with us on the fact that we researched too little on current products. She feels that we are making everyone assume that our innovation will work. We were stuck, thankfully Jason proved that our innovation was better. The current product on the market could only cater to people who wanted to cook with one pot, one wok and one pan. What happens if someone wants to cook with three pots? Thus, he concluded that stoves with adjustable pan supports would cater to almost anyone who cooks, making our innovation better than current market ones.
Next the same judge asked how we would build our innovation. Making a stove with adjustable pan supports proved to be an arduous task. As for that question, we were no able to answer it as we had not taught of how we will make the prototype, only a rough idea which we did not include in our slides. Sad sia..
Another question was whether our group had tested on how much electricity was cooked on our current stoves and how much time was used. We had practically forgotten about doing so, doomed I thought. No choice but had to admit our flaw… I thought that our group had failed. That judge was really frightening in the way which she shot her questions at us. We were the few ‘unlucky groups’ who had to endure her lashing questions. But her questions helped make our group realize our flaws and change for the better. Every cloud has a silver lining. xD. This isn’t defaming ar.. don’t get the wrong idea. Overall, it was fun.